Uranus Publishing House
After twelve years a new site, with a new architecture, interactive and friendly
- Established in April 1990, according to D.L.54 / 1990. Authorization no. 749 / 19.04.1990 issued by the Bucharest City Hall.
- Reorganized in 1990, according to Law 31/1990 as a Limited Liability Company
- Registered with ORCB under no. J40 / 3343/1991, registration certificate A291857, fiscal registration code RO376057.
- Operating approval 519 / 17.01.1991 of the Ministry of Culture.
- Editorial advisor, Dumitru Ioncică, with the renewed certificate no. 519 / 11.06.1992.
- Trademark registered at OSIM with the certificate R16229 from 18.05.1990, renewed in 2000 and in 2012.
- The publishing house has been recognized by CNCSIS since 2004.
Profile and activity
- Initially, the publishing house was profiled on translations from universal literature, benefiting from the collaboration of eminent advisers, translators and people of culture. The PLUS collection represented a remarkable editorial success in the first years of activity, with which the publishing house was an active presence on the domestic market, as well as at the international book fairs in Bucharest and Frankfurt.
- In 1996, following market failures, there is a rethinking of distribution policies and circulation, as well as a restructuring of publishing programs. The coming years represent economic recovery efforts. There is a reselection of distributors on the basis of maximum caution, and the circulations are sized according to the real demand on the market.
- There is also a reorientation of the publishing house’s profile, especially towards the scientific and academic literature, for which purpose well-known personalities from the academic environment were co-opted in the editorial board.
- Starting with 1999, new collections are created: BM-Marketing Library (so far, almost 50 titles), TS-Tourism Services (about 25 titles), MGM-Management, BB-Business, BEE-Business English Essentials, in which books that represent landmarks of scientific research have been published, citing only a few: Marketing, Marketing Research. A treatise, Logistics, Consumer behavior, Marketing communication, Social and political marketing, Tourism marketing, International Marketing, Marketing et gestion de la relation client, Business to Business Marketing, Economics of services, Economics of tourism, Business ethics in tourism, Macroeconomic policies in tourism, Economics of domestic and international trade, Project management practice, Strategisches Management. Strategische Instrumente fur Zentral- und Osteuropa, Mastering English for Economics, the list being completely open, noting that these titles have a real impact both on an impressive number of graduates and specialists, and on economic and corporate life. Some titles received in 2008 and 2011 the First Prize of the Association of Romanian Faculties of Economics.
- Responding to the specific requirements of the market, a collection of Good Practice Guides in the field of food safety was inaugurated, which are indispensable tools in the operation of food companies in Romania. A growing publishing sector is represented by works of history and cultural studies (ancient and recent history, international relations, philosophy of culture and art, etc.). We could cite in this sense the monumental work History of China and Chinese Civilization, by Ion Buzatu, China. Traditions and Culture, by Su Shuyang, a Chinese contemporary classic, Twilight of the Philosophers by G. Papini, Romania – Member of the United Nations Security Council, Romania and the United Nations Development Program and Romania at the United Nations General Assembly, all written by Ion C. Popescu, the diplomat who created a trilogy about the UN, a true work of diplomatic culture and recent history.
- The strong point of the publishing activity from Uranus is the Historical Marketing collection, inaugurated in 2013 to demonstrate through certain and qualified historical sources the ancestral character of the Romanian people, language and spirituality and the special formative contribution they had in shaping European architecture. Works such as Hyperborea and Zamolxism, by Branislav Stefanoski, Getica by Iordanes, Arguments for the Rewriting of European History, by Carlo Troya, The Books of the Getae, by Nicoló Zeno or The Romanian Language. The Birth and Historical Forgeries, by Lucian Costi, as well as the books already existing in the publishing house’s portfolio are landmarks in Romanian historiography.
- URANUS books are present in over 20 national university libraries and in almost 25 foreign university catalogues and libraries in Europe, the USA, or Asia.
- An important vector of image and distribution is the publishing house’s website, with an existence of over twelve years, during which time several thousand customers were registered in the publishing house’s database.
- Within the publishing house there is a sustainable development program based on the diversification of publishing production and partnerships, on non-discrimination and protection of resources.
Criteria for editorial and distribution policy
- The primary criterion is the educational one. Published materials cultivate confidence in science, culture and their values and encourage creativity, work and research.
- Careful selection of publication offers in terms of quality and market requirements.
- Rigorous editorial control of the component materials of the book on all phases of the editorial process, consistent application of peer review procedures and compliance with the opinions of the publishing house’s body of referees.
- Attractive and timely paid royalties, established by the publishing contract.
- Speed of the printing process. Publishing done on time and in good conditions
- Circulations adapted to the market.
- Partnerships with authors, printers and distributors.
- Strictly controlled distribution.